this is the story of our life at "Rosevale on the Palouse Prairie" in eastern Washington State, and my love affair with all things fiber/fabric. 'BeanQueen' you might ask, well in my previous life I was the curator of the Phaseolus Germplasm Collection (beans native to the western hemisphere) in the United States. My lovely #2 sister gifted me with my 'autre nom'.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Cool here, too cool darn it!
It does not help the garden. I've more beans germinating & will do more corn this weekend. Other veggies are just growing very slowly, but I did see a couple red strawberries so they must be getting enough heat units to begin their ripen process. There are lots of green berries so it looks we'll get a BIG harvest.
Our farmer mentioned that we could really use some rain, and we're getting some, but at this writing (9:00 a.m.), it's 45 degrees. I have ripening strawberries as well, I notice that my garden is growing slowly.