Tuesday, July 08, 2014

more HOT

makes fruit ripen quickly!
I picked more berries-freezing & drying some; there's pie cherries nearly ready to go; blackcaps are ripening & I picked one ripe raspberry today,
I've my work cut out for me as the DH has taken his sister to CA to visit their brother.

I got some help today from the #1 GS - he mowed the lawn for me and will come help another time too.

Tomorrow I get msH as her daddy has to work.  So will be busy with her and will thus have to get up early to get my outside work done.  Don't want her outside in the heat of the day & I don't want to be there working either!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we have to do the outside chores early now. I'm picking raspberries and pie cherries -- and every day the grain is less green / more yellow.

    Enjoy your little girl.
