Thursday, August 14, 2014

Late blogging-many happenings

Didn't get back here right after we got back from camping.
We did have a great time, but as soon as we were back we were hit with way too many things.

the DH's oldest sister took a turn for the worst and was not expected to live much longer.  He rushed over to Seattle and she died yesterday.  It was a release for her as there was nothing to be done medically and she was suffering much.

Then the handyman who is doing our new floors was ready to go to work, but has no transportation right now, so I had to provide taxi service.
And we discovered that our #2 GS's Salmon River Experience started on Monday as opposed to Tuesday as we thought.  ACK!!! Quick take him down to Lewiston early Monday morning with his equipment.  He had a great time, though and we are so thankful to the Idaho Fish & Game for sponsoring the activity.
Plus, I had all of the fruits & veggies that were ready to harvest after the vacation to get processed.

Then to top it off there have been horrific T-storms, wind & such to cope with, too.

1 comment:

  1. Tough times but sounds as though you're on top of it.
