Finished the plums; some more dried ones and the chutney turned out very good, all three varieties. It will be on the agenda in years to come.
Have started on the pears - we picked them all and they are ripening up on the porch. I have been canning them and also have a box of Elberta peaches from the farmer's market that will join the canning sessions.
There are fall raspberries too, if I can beat the bees to them. The potatoes need digging. Harvested all the onions and garlic. It was not a good onion year, but the garlic is good.
A few beans remain and there are a couple of kohlrabis and some kale & chard to pick, too. Then I will dig the carrots to put into storage.
I am done making pickles so we eat a few cucumbers and give the rest away. There are green tomatoes on the vine, but not sure if they will get ripe.
It's coming on autumn!
Sounds like your family will be able to eat this Winter--LOL. I bought a box of very ripe pears at a discount yesterday and will dry them -- and that's today's project.