Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Sunday Roundup

I am so happy to report that I was able to "unload" the sweaters to ravel and 5 of the 7 bags of yarn which I wanted to be rid of at our Wool Gatherers yard sale !  

I did trade one of the bags for some cashmere/silk lace weight yarn, but OH what a trade!  I got the better deal I know.  I got a bit of cash too.  All in all it was a really good event; the food was good as usual and everybody seemed to have a good time.

After I was done shopping yesterday I was pretty tired, so I rested mostly.  I did get the 'chocolate-ized' bear cleaned & re-stuffed so he looks good - just have to put on a face now.  I've another one in the works, too. Work in the craft room is coming along as I organize & record what is in there.  The yard sale helped me out in that respect.

I also have started to reduce the items in the house, too.  Since we've had to move and go through everything it is a good time to decide what can stay and what needs to go.

It's still pretty cold here and no snow so far.  Hard on the critters and the perennials too boot.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen