Wednesday, November 12, 2014

WiP Wednesday

Still have lots of those, LOL.  But am making progress.  I finished the knitting for the latest bear, now have to do his face & he will be ready to go.  Worked a bit on the re-do of the yak scarf and the knee socks.  I think I already said I was going to do some toe-up socks from the re-purposed cotton/wool yarn, but haven't started them yet.
The quilting is on hold at the moment as I work on more "busy bags by msH & 'Ahma'".

I'm going to Ladies night out at Moscow Building Supply tonight.  They have good sales and fun stuff just of ladies - OK, I know sexist, but hey! I save some $$$ & get some freebies. 

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drMolly, the BeanQueen