Monday, September 16, 2019

September 14 - 16

September 14: It is market day.  I got some peaches to can and some peppers to put into stewed tomatoes.  I also got some honey & soap for the cold season stockpile.  msH & I did some shopping for dance clothes and extra long sleeve shirts.

September 15:  I'm working to catch up from all of the time I was gone.  I canned a few of the peaches, but most need to get riper.  I will also have pears and plums to do - they were stored in the 'frig while I was gone to Scotland. We measured msH for the new patterns for making shirts & pants - it's her favorite right now, Jack Skellington fabric for pants and a grey knit to make a T-shirt to go with them.

September 16: Now with msH back home & back to school I am getting into catch-up in a big way.  I've also decided to try to get into more down-sizing.  It's just getting "too crowded" around here and we also want to try to reduce our footprint, too.

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