Saturday, October 12, 2019

October 11 & 12

October 11:  It was cold again last night & today.  I am trying to get to the veg left in garden - I hope it will still be OK.  I am worried about the pears; they may not have survived the hard freezes.
I finished up the quilt back today and hope to get it laid out for sandwiching tomorrow, but am not sure as I have much outside work to do.

October 12: Well, I got all of the carrots & beets harvested (they are waiting in the garage for storage tomorrow).  I found some onions that I had missed and put them in garage to dry.  Then I went out and picked or picked up all of the late pears - they look like they will be OK.  The parsley had survived the freezing so I dug & potted the plants for my family to have fresh parsley all winter.  I tell you I am exhausted.  Tomorrow I will store the veg and spend the rest of day just enjoying myself!!! 

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