Friday, November 01, 2019

October 30 & 31

Oct 30:  Today I started the process to smoke some steelhead.  I put the fillets (~ 1# each) into a brine - one I'd purchased as I haven't approached my own recipes for that yet.  Tomorrow I'll fire up the smoker and we'll see what turns out.  The rest of the day was spent "fooling around" in the crafting area and getting some information on the Christmas socks I'm knitting.

Oct 31: All Hallows Eve and msH is ready to go in her werewolf costume.  She told me it went over well at school.  I, unfortunately, got very little sleep last night and I can tell it will be a difficult day.
I got the candies out and ready, I did a bit of de-cluttering and mostly just rested & knitted.

Here's the werewolf, although the kids said some of the people she "trick or treated" at thought she was a bear or a sasquatch, LOL.

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