Wednesday, February 26, 2020

February 26

Things are still slow here.  It is taking me much longer than I wanted to get back into the routine I like.  I have lots of "want to" and not so much "can do".  I keep up with my exercises, have added back in some TaiChi and do walking.  I guess I just want instant gain.
I did, however, start on a "program for me" to get some of the house done and still have time for my hobby stuff, too.  I decided to work for 15 minutes (more or less) on each room or area and then go on to one of my interests or take rest, depending on how I felt at that time.  It worked pretty well so far as I got a lot of things accomplished that were just getting piled up.  If I can keep at it I will be able to have more free time for me and not feel like I have to break myself catching up with all that needs to be done around here.
The mister helped me some more with the fruit tree pruning, but that day it was so cold and windy we could not stay our very long.  But, I think one more good session should finish it off.
I got seeds ordered after I figured out of what I was short in the planting basket.  We just needed some pelleted carrot seed (I like this method of getting fewer seed out there as carrot seed is so small) and some kohlrabi seed.  I found some of the giant kohlrabi seed and I hope it is as good as the ones we grew in the past.  
I finished the toe-up shortie socks for msH - there is a tiny bit of yarn left that I figured I'd use the rest for something in the crochet doll wardrobe.

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