Wednesday, May 06, 2020

May 6. 2020

And it's spring on the Palouse: to whit, a strong wind storm and pouring rain, followed in the late morning with some sun trying to appear.
Well, the garden will love the rain, but not too conducive to outside work.
And, I've found I can only do a lot of hard work for a short time before I get 'sausted & have to come in for a rest.  Basically the same thing everywhere, inside or out, work for a short time, rest and then work again.  
Being old is "poopy", but as mom used to say "Consider the alternative" & I'm not ready for that yet.
I got another UFO quilt sandwiched - it's the 30's repro one - but have to learn my new machine before I start to quilt it.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen