Sunday, January 09, 2022

January 9, 2022

It's been a "real" Palouse winter.  We had some snowstorms, school closures, lots of accidents, and digging out.  There has been some fierce storms with really heavy winds, too.  I've been staying home most of the time and just hunkering down. 

The one day that we go out to get some groceries, etc. the road home is closed by a tractor/trailer rig tipping over in the WIND and icey conditions.  So, we turn around, get some supper and then go home the back way (driving on roads with one lane between banks of snow).  We get safely home and the DH pulls up where he thinks it is fairly bare for me to get out of the PU.  I then proceed to slip on the icey driveway and fall out of the truck-I actually just slid down out of the door and ended up on my butt in the wet.     I could not get up as it was too slippery and had to "scooch" on my behind until I was in the snow so I could get my feet under me & he could help me up.  Luckily there was no serious injury and I just go wet & very cold.

Today the sun was out and it was not too cold.  Apparently the days are now long enough for the chicks to think it's OK to lay eggs and we got 4 this morning!  They are still having to stick to the dug out path when they venture out of their house, though.

And, today I also started the "great reduction/cataloguing of 2022".  I want to try to figure out just what I have in that craft room and how much I can reduce it.  I have way more things than I will ever use and it's just a sin to be such a "hoarder"; I want it to be used by me or someone else who will love it.  Plus I'm trying to get our whole household reduced too.  We have been blessed with so much that it is really "overkill" and we need to be a bit more frugal in our use of the resources of our Mother Earth.   


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