Monday, January 02, 2023

January 2, 2023


Winter here is trying its best to delude us. There are days on end of sub zero weather, followed by a Chinook that takes away all the snow and teases us with above freezing temps even at night. And then back comes the snow and cold, without, thankfully, the sub zero temps.

I had a light in the chicken house while the temperatures were so cold, but it's off now as it is not so cold.  I'm sure the chickens got confused as they started laying again with the light. The ladies, now only totaling 2, are kept in the coop at all times now. Some predator got one of the remaining 3 and I deemed it prudent to just keep them protected. Our coop is supposed to be predator-proof, but I close them up in the house itself at night anyway. I'm now growing some wheat grass so they can enjoy greens every now & then.

The mister has two weeks vacation along with the children at school and is spending most of it reading or working on a few things around the house. He went out with his buddies to do some "side-by-side" riding and proceeded to break his axle, so the "buggy" is in the shop again. 

I spend my time at home with my hobbies and the perpetual "homework", but I have to say that with just 2 people, and "old farts" at that, we're not too hard on cooking or cleaning needs. I've been doing some baking that is low-no sodium so I can eat it and am learning a whole new way of cooking, too. My health seems to be going along OK in the heart department, but I'm being bothered by that old nerve damage to my spine-I have pain in left arm and leg that has nothing to do with arthritis in either joint. A "gift" from my survival of 32 years ago. BUT!  I do not complain too much, I'm still above the grass and I plan to stay that way for quite a bit.

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