Cold, cold, and colder; the Palouse is at it again; we got lots more snow and it’s forecast to be in single digits with below zero windchill. On Monday night the wind was so bad it took out one of the panels from the greenhouse; lucky I found it next morning and it’s not broken. But, will have to wait until spring to replace it-the GH is now filling up with snow.
View of back garden beds & cold frame.
And then, to begin my “awful, terrible, horrible” two weeks or so: the mister brought home Covid from somebody at work and of course I got it. We have had vaccines and I’ve been self-isolating, etc because of my heart. But, apparently that does not matter.
He, of course, too, did not get very sick; I on the other hand DID! I had to go to the outpatient wing at hospital to get infusions, have been sick for two weeks, lost my sense of taste and smell AND all of the little energy I had been gaining back from my heart episode. Life is so damn unfair! Live a reasonably healthy life, avoid things bad for one, try to exercise etc etc - GET SCREWED by your damn genes !
OK, more snow pics: the corner of the front porch and the edge of chicken house-they DO NOT like snow.
I'm sorry you've been so sick. Its NOT fair! Hope the spring is better.