Monday, May 10, 2010

Well, I had a very nice Mother's Day

and I hope you all did , too.
Got a call from the #1 offspring in the morning to wish me a happy day.
'tP' had previously gotten me a really nice gardening bench (it's a combination Mother's Day / birthday gift-the birthday coming up in 2 weeks) that is made of old wood, an old sink & some other old re-cycled things - it is really great and I'm not sure why I have not taken a photo of it yet, but will soon.
Then we worked in the yard & garden for a bit - it was a lovely, lovely day for once areound here. In the afternoon we went to the #2 offspring's home and had a lovely dinner and spent some time in their hot-tub.
Got home to find the #1 GS & GF had left me 2 long stem roses in a glass (they didn't think about a vase, I guess, LOL) on our dining room table.
All-in-all a wonderful day!

Here are a couple of photos of the garden bench!


knitterwithcritters said...

Wow I really like that! I'd love to have one if I had somehwere to put it.

Ilix said...

That is a fantastic and thoughtful gift. Sweet!

drMolly, the BeanQueen