Saturday, May 16, 2015


I think we have it beat!

We've finally decided that we are better, we are over this spate of illness, and we are getting on with things that need to be done.

We even got some needed rain for the gardens.  the DH has decided that he will drastically cut the watering to the lawn due to the projected shortage and continuing drought that is in our area.

I will judiciously water the veggies, but they can be monitored much easier than the lawn.  The fruit trees have deep enough roots to weather this summer, and we can water the berries while they are in production, but just do maintenance after until the winter time when they are dormant.  This DOES NOT preclude the good soaking they get in the fall after they are dormant to help them over the dry winter season.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Glad to hear you are better. Sounds like a good plan with the watering.

drMolly, the BeanQueen