Tuesday, November 08, 2016

2016 Election Day

Have you voted ?

I did.

And whatever the outcome I know our country will survive.  It may not be pleasant for some time, but we can & will overcome the problems that we face.

Please allow yourself to become involved in your community.  Yes, it is true that we really don't have much effect on the national scene - even when we participate in the election system - but WE CAN HAVE AN EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN OUR OWN COMMUNITIES.

And, face it, it is our duty to our fellow man to be concerned with those around us - and that means all of them, not just the ones we like.  Whatever one's faith or "unfaith" it is paramount for us to take care of our homes, our communities, and our world.  It IS the only one we have and it is the only one our children, grands, & great-grands, etc., etc. will inherit.  Love them, love it and leave them something to enjoy.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen