Wednesday, April 03, 2019

more April (3)

It's raining today - a good day to do indoor work.  I did go out and take up the electric water dish for the chickens and put out the regular watering container.  I also looked at all the beds and tried to figure out into which one I planted the garlic last fall - no luck.  The only thing I found in that arena were all of the little garlic sprouts that came from bulblets I didn't get from the garlic plants before they had dropped off.

AND...………….……..the snow is nearly gone.  Here is a snap of the remaining piece on the north face of the house.

I am going to try to get some more work done on the quilting UFO's.  I also want to see if I can start on another bag from Sara of Sew Sweetness.  As a gift for participating in the Sew Sweetness Book Club she has published a free pattern for the Clydebank Bag.  I have the fabric, the cork for the sides of the bag and the extras one needs to complete the project. 
I just had to wait until I could got permission from the eye doctor to get back to "regularly scheduled programs".                                      

1 comment:

Scooquilt said...

So glad things are going well with you eye! Yesterday I planted onion plants and spinach and lettuce. Spring is coming!

drMolly, the BeanQueen