Sunday, August 04, 2019

August 3 & 4

Gramma is pooped.  I used the latter half of Friday just to rest. 
On Saturday I began the marathon to get our home back to "normal" after having msH for the week.  I love that girl, but there is a reason "old ladies" don't have little ones, LOL.
I have the house back in order and have made a plan to do the deep cleaning one room at a time so as to conserve energy.  Plus, my hip is getting pretty bad and the tendon is still acting up so I must rest it a lot.
On Tuesday I am going to see a pain specialist in Spokane to consult about the radiography pain thing; I hope it is "for me" and will work.
I've picked the green beans for the first time this year and got a good harvest.  I will can them tomorrow.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen