Thursday, April 23, 2020

April 23, 2020

Today it's raining & the wind is blowing quite a bit.  That put a crimp in the gardening activities.  Although it is true that not much can be planted yet, I was preparing beds & planted some lettuce 🌱in the cold frame.  I had planned on putting in some beet seed, but yesterday afternoon it started raining & I didn't get time to do that.  The rain will give the onion starts and the cabbage plants a boost as we all know that rain is a much better "waterer" than my watering cans. πŸ’–
So, today I'm going to do some sewing - and not masks😷 all of the time !  I had a dress cut out for a few weeks and I'm going to start on it.  I had planned on it for my Easter dress, but viri got in the way. 😭
Anywhooo, it's going to be an inside day.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen