Sunday, December 27, 2020

December 27, 2020

 And it's nearly over; the new one has to be better is all I'll say.

We had a quiet Christmas as we had celebrated our family holiday on the Eve-having the traditional clam soup and chips & dip, then opening gifts.  The DD planned to work at one of her volunteer places to provide holiday cheer for those less fortunate, her partner was off to Montana to visit his mom, the #2 GS went to his dad's, and the m&m3 family did Christmas at their home.  The mister & I relaxed-clean up waiting for Boxing Day-and we had T-bone steak and baked potatoes for supper 😃.

After clean up on Boxing Day, I worked on some quilting and some knitting.  The mister went to town to renew his CDL so he can keep driving the school bus for the SE children in Pullman Town.  Then came more relaxing and resting-getting old just seems to sap energy from one and we need more rest.  Ah! but as my late mum always said "Consider the alternative."  and we always stop complaining quite so much, LOL.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen