Saturday, January 02, 2021

January 2, 2020

 We have started the new year as we took down Christmas on New Year's Day and are putting the boxes into the attic today.  Not as happy as I would have liked it to be, life goes on and we have to be positive for the future.

I'm nearly done with the "Xmas 2020 quilts" as I am finishing the quilting on the last runner and have the rest ready to be bound.  I am also about halfway through the socks for Keesha, then I'll start on some for Michael; and myself I think, too.

I want to try to get more spinning in this year.  I did finish plying the "Industrial" yarn, I think it will come out worsted as it plumped when I soaked it.  I'm really going to try to use more of my handspun in my knitting, too.

OK, here's hoping that I can keep up with my few goals I've set myself for this year.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen