Wednesday, July 21, 2021

July 28, 2021

 Still hot, still fire danger, still smokey - it's the summer in hell.  The garden has a bit of yield, but not its top performance.  We did get a whole lot of cucumbers when we got back from our camping trip.  I'm hoping they are not bitter so I can make some pickles.  I plan to buy some peppers at the farmer's market and put up a big batch of "Irma's pickles"-the mister's favorites of all time.  

I spun on my Ashford wheel for most of the Tour d' Fleece and got 8 of the 16 oz. of potluck roving done.  I missed the last few days due to the camping trip, but feel I got a goodly amount done.  I plan to ply the singles and make a vest from the resulting yarn.  I'll have to choose a pattern when I know what weight yarn I have produced.

Today I started the "aerated compost tea" to see if I can save my raspberries.   If it does not help I'll get more berries next year and move them to a different bed as the horticulturist suggested.  

I took some knitting when we went camping and got a bit done of that complicated pair of socks, but the "Gothic Arches Socks" will be done when they're done. 

Laundry and cleaning up from camping trip is consuming my time for a couple of days.  I need to get those pickles made and some jam from the cherries that have not been consumed.

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