Monday, April 11, 2022

April 11, 2022

 And so much for Spring 😒😒😒it has been snowing for 2 days now.  Yesterday we got ~2", but it melted by end of day.  However, Mother Nature has decided we need to be reminded she is in power now as we have had snow all day and have something over 3" now.  I fear for my tender plants that I uncovered when it was so warm.  I think the roses and the lavender will be Ok, but the poor Cascade berries just do not do well with east-side cold weather.  

To add to depressing day is the payment for our homeowner's insurance; it has gone up by a couple hundred dollars per year πŸ˜’πŸ˜’.  Here, one's home gets older one would think that it would be worth less (probably is) but OH NO! not in our inflationary times.  Insurance, bah!!!, all a big swindle anyway-a gamble that only insurance companies win.

I entered some quilts in our local group's show this last weekend and found they were received well by the viewers, even if I won no awards.  I worked at the show in several capacities, on of which was walking around answering questions and keeping an eye on the quilts.  I overheard comments on some of my work and they were positive-makes one feel good, above and beyond the joy of making them.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen