Friday, April 10, 2009

a new day

I have wanted to do daily (or so) blogging for quite some time, but just could not seem to get it together enough to do so.
This will be my attempt to fulfill that wish.
It's a partly cloudy cool day today, but finally, it seems the snow is on its way out. A couple of days ago it actually got up to the high 60's & was sunny all day. I think I must finally admit that I do suffer from some SAD in the cold-dark months. I always feel SO much better when Spring arrives and the days get longer.
The postman & I got all the trees pruned and I sprayed them (but for the cherry which already had swelling buds) with the late winter dormant spray. Now on to the garden preparation & taking out the old strawberry plants in preparation for new arrivals. Weeds, of course, are 'going gang-busters' already, but I feel up to tackling them now. So, this weekend will be busy.
Last week was Spring Quilt Camp - I ALWAYS have a good time there. Got the quilt for Shane finished & will have two in the Annual Quilt Show this year - the one I made for us & this one. I'm not a great "enterer", but when I have some new ones finished & not sent away yet I do put them in.
OK, off to work - more tomorrow (I promise myself!!)

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drMolly, the BeanQueen