Saturday, November 21, 2009

Back from visiting 'the folks' 11/16 - 11/20

We got home late last night & everything was fine. Our 'furbabies' were very glad to see us - Buddy is in his hibernation mode, so he didn't even know we were gone, LOL.
When we got up this morning (late of course due to going to bed late) the sun was out and it was NOT freezing - so guess what we did? Well, we went out & got that dormant spray on and got that hose drained & back into the storage shed quick as we could. Trees are ready to go until late winter.
Then it was off to the stores for supplies & foodstuffs. It took us a lot longer than we had planned as 'tP' is moving V E R Y slowly! He was helping my brother - who has a chicken farm - unload the new baby chicks - there were LOTS & some of his hired help did not show. Somehow he twisted wrong & threw out his back, so is in a lot of pain. He plans to see the doc on Monday if not better by then.
I did get all the fixin's for Thanksgiving - both of my children & families are going to be here so we will have a full house. I like it when that happens & it, of course, does not happen enough for me .
OK, off to put away rest of stuff & knit a bit.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen