Wednesday, December 09, 2009

another cold day

out on the Palouse Prairie. High so far at 14F - poor plants with no snow to protect their roots.
I got mom & dad some lentil goodies for part of their Christmas present this morning after I was done seeing DrT - his office is right next door to the Lentil Commission & since I had wanted to get some, but kept forgetting, it was a good time to stop in there. You would think that around here it would be easy to get some of those packaged up soup mixes, but NO, of all things in the lentil capital of the world, none in grocery stores, not even the co-op (they have only bulk lentils).
I finished off the "make-it-mixes" last night; now have to box them up & get them off, but tonight is my Red Hat Ladies Christmas party, so it'll have to wait until Thursday.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen