Sunday, December 27, 2009

So now it's Sunday

and we'll have leftovers for supper. I plan to make some mashed potatoes & have gravy & slices of the roast for supper. With some salad it should be a good easy meal.
'tP' is off practicing bowling & I've just finished going over the finances after Christmas - "we did good!!" - there was enough left to put some in savings for our trip to England next summer & to put in extra for repairing the pickup before he goes to visit his dad in CA.
Now, just to figure out how I shall plan my new year - I don't figure "resolutions" are really any good as one always gets caught up in the stress of not being able to fulfill every one. Thusly, I try to make some plans that are manageable and realistic, AND will help me in my life, too.

Good luck on all of your ideas for the new year!

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drMolly, the BeanQueen