Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, but another day off tomorrow!!!

good for me to be a federal employee. I love days off, LOL.

I made cookies & bread today after church. Made roast pork, potatoes (still from our garden), and broccoli for supper. It was good. 'tP' & #1GS are off practicing driving & then go bowling - well, 'tP' bowls, #1 watches for a while, I'm sure and then goes to play video games or fuss with his new fancy phone!

I'm going to finish reading Ravelry posts, catch up on my Facebook Farmville - a VERY addictive game :~), then do some knitting on my bear - I'm done with the legs & trying to figure out how to attach the arms.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen