Monday, March 22, 2010

AHA! it's nice today

I shall be able to get the rest of my trees done!
I also get to take one of our kitties to the vet for the yearly vaccinations - he'll just LOVE that.
Work is the usual amount of things to do - too many, but what must be done, must be done.
I'm still plugging away at the socks & socks and mom's shawl. I got a nice thank-you from the Mother Bear Project lady and she included some more labels & and wish that I will do more. Those little guys are fun, so there will most likely be more bears in my future.
I went to my fibery group yesterday - and picked up a light-weight spindle that one of the members made - it sure makes spinning fine weight yarn more easy. I still LOVE my Golding spindle - it is so balanced and spins for a long time - but it is more difficult to get fine yarn. The hand-made spindle doesn't spin as long, but it sure is easier to get it fine.

I did it! I finished the pruning - my arms & shoulders hurt, but that's one less chore to do for spring .


Fru-la-la! said...

I think I shall help you with this mother bear thing...yes..yes, I shall...

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

Great! - I'm sure they can use all the bears that they are able to get!

drMolly, the BeanQueen