Monday, April 26, 2010

Another week begun

Found loads to do when I was at work - did get a lot done; need to start on my travel plans; need to re-visit my priorities to make sure I am getting necessary projects developed.

Oh, oh, got my Spunky Eclectic Fiber club in the mail today - so, so pretty. It's 4 oz. of 100% organic merino combed top in the colorway "Storms of Jupiter". Here is a photo. Now if I could just find some time to spin!!

'tP' & I got home a bit earlier today so we were able to work in the yard. He loaded soil & manure into the new garden bed and I watered & weeded. I got the thistles out of the bulb garden, well temporarily, of course, as they WILL come back. I also got the dry laundry from the line.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

That fiber is sooooo pretty!

drMolly, the BeanQueen