Friday, May 28, 2010

Another Friday

I got some more testing finished today and took notes in the greenhouses, too. There will be a little hiatus after next week's testing, so mayhap I can get some other things done in the other lab. I want to start on that new embryo rescue technique.
I've made all the appropriate applications for the collecting trip - now just to wait until I get results, then I'll start on the "micro-planning", ie. where to stop, what hotels to stay in, etc, etc.
I am on the 3rd row of the entrelac hat, but I want to see if I can get some other things done this weekend, since it's a 3-day one, I may be able to sew or quilt - oh my goodness what a concept!!!
We're having some baked codfish, salad, and some cous-cous for supper tonight. I like to make the cous-cous with vegetable broth and put in some sauteed veggies, too.
I plan to bake some bread & cookies this weekend, too. I do like baking, LOL.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen