Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday Wednesday

Our little town is being disturbed by having the main street torn up to be re-paved - it is a state highway & the powers that be have decided that it needed to be re-done. It sure puts a damper on one's life having to get up way early just to wait for a pilot car to let you out of your own street. It's a long wait sometimes, too.
I planted the rest of my cole plantlets this evening and put in spinach, beets, carrots and a little kale as seeds. It's supposed to rain tonight and that would take care of giving the seeds a good start.
'tP' and I took a walk this evening to go down and look at the machine that is tearing up the asphalt - a ravenous beast it is, too.

Now for some knitting & early bed.

1 comment:

Fru-la-la! said...

can I just share how awesome it is that ur planting veggies? i can't do that!

drMolly, the BeanQueen