Friday, July 23, 2010

Life goes on & on

as well it should! We sold the old pickup and got to repay our vacation fund and a bit extra, too! We are going to need a big bundle to take our trip to Great Britain - it might be the only one & we want to see as much as we can.
Froze up all the rest of the spinach - got all together 10&1/2 packages of 1 cup for us to split at supper or to use in other dishes.
I will try to get some more carrots & beets planted this weekend - for late harvest.
I plan to do some more spinning tonight, too.
And, then I will go on Sunday to cut the wood for the chicken house.


Fru-la-la! said...

yay for spinach!

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

Yup we love it!

drMolly, the BeanQueen