Tuesday, July 19, 2011

And they just keep coming..........

those strawberries, I mean ;~) - froze 12 more pints & 1 Qt (I ran out of pint containers, LOL). We've been eating lots of them, too. There is nothing like strawberries to tell you it really is summer. Since the rest of the garden is limping along we will have these red beauties if not much else, ie. the poor corn is only about 1&1/2 - 2 feet tall and is beginning to tassle - I expect we won't get much corn. I did, however, get some nice kohlrabi from the garden yesterday and it looks as if there will be more for us to enjoy.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Is it raining there on the Palouse? It's raining here on our end of the Camas Prairie -- also windy and 60 degrees. Can you believe this summer?

So glad to hear about your strawberries. Maybe you'll share your secrets. I just pulled the spinach out this morning. I have zucchini coming on. The Montmorency cherries are turning red. I'm waiting for a promising crop of raspberries.

drMolly, the BeanQueen