Monday, August 08, 2011


are the absolute best!
Our reunion (held at Beacon Rock State Park - a beautiful site indeed) was wonderful. Some of our big family were unable to attend: work schedules, transportation problems, prior commitments, etc., but all-in-all it was so good to see everyone together. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love my family - even a huge as it has become, LOL, and adding members all of the time, too.
We had good food, good talk & a good time all around.

'tP' & I were very tired, though, as driving over 300 miles (one-way) Saturday night, having the reunion and then driving back the about 300 miles on Sunday does take a toll on our (dare we say it) older bodies. It's going to take us all week to be able to get back to somewhat normal, I think.
The critters were glad to see us and the garden is going to greet me, I know, with all sorts of goodies to be harvested when I get home from work tonight.

I got the Age of Brass & Steam shawl blocked and photographed, but forgot to download the photos from my camera - which now has also lots of reunion photos, too. But, as soon as I can I will post a picture of the shawl and the family, too.
Here is the shawl - 2 pictures of me wearing it (photos courtesy of the #2 GS - 8 years old - 'big D') and 1 picture of it spread out.


Kathy said...

I love it! The pictures and the shawl. Just beautiful!

300 miles one day and 300 miles the next is difficult for anyone. When I think, "Oh, I'm too old for this," I remember I didn't much think it was easy when I was young(er).

drMolly, the BeanQueen said...

Thank you Kathy.

drMolly, the BeanQueen