Thursday, August 11, 2011

more fruits & veggies

It is good some things are coming from all of our hard work in the garden. I picked more beans and berries. We ate some of our kohlrabis - mmmmmm good - we do love them. We've had kale & lettuce. I noted last night that there was a broccoli head developing & some tiny cauliflower heads, too. I don't know if they will get as large as last year, but at least we will get some. aphids, no cabbage loopers - those netting cages do work!!

Corn cobs are developing, too - love, love, love corn on the cob.

Chicken nest boxes are on tap this weekend - the hens are getting up there so I really need to get them done. There's weeding to be done still out in the "water tower", too.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen