Monday, August 15, 2011

My Sunday was very productive!

I made yoghurt & bread, I harvested berries & snap beans, I started building the nestboxes for the hens (I need to get some bolts to fasten them to the chicken house wall, so could not finish), and I cleaned up & organized in my craft room! Oh yes, and the "incidentals" of doing laundry and cleaning house, too. Plus, I put some beef in the crockpot so I could make B-B-Q beef for sandwiches at supper today.
How, you ask, could I have been so productive? AHA! the answer lies in the fact that I was home by myself and had no distractions, plus I was really motivated by the cooling from approaching autumn.
'tP' was off "with the boys" on a "harley run"; he got a ride up to Spokane to pick up "Howard Harley" who had been having his "training wheels" attached (we now have a 'trike'); then they all went on a ride around northern ID and eastern WA. They apparently had a really good time, even if the restaurant where they decided to have lunch made them wait an hour & a half for their burgers! and they never did get the "blooming onions".

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drMolly, the BeanQueen