Wednesday, August 03, 2011

More hot days

and I am not getting too much done. 'tP' has been working much overtime and we get home so late there is no time but eat, catch up a bit of homework, take care of critters and then fall into bed.
I did finish the knitting on the Age of Brass & Steam yesterday while waiting for the mister to get done at work - now to find some time to block it.
I got the beans cleaned and ends cut off, so tonight I can steam them & put into the freezer. I just don't have time to do the canning as it takes 90 minutes to can and I think I need to get some propane. There are actually enough to can, much better production than last year, but now not enough time :~(.
The #1 GS & GF have invested in their first home. They are buying a mobile home. Since he decided to hold off on going to college for a while, he has gone to work and I guess they figured they would buy the home instead of just renting. Why is it so hard to watch them grow up and move on with their life - AND I thought I had gotten over that with my children. I guess moms & grams just want to keep protecting them.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen