Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Apre' Sock Summit

What a great time! I learned some things, I met some wonderful people, and purchased lovely things to add to my stash, my library & to my tea finery collection.
I got the Yarn Harlot to sign the copy of one of her books - thanks Stephanie, again - I met some of the podcasters who produce some of my favorite podcasts, and I was surrounded by fellow sock knitters. One could not ask for more.

At home the farm is thriving, even if we aren't getting the harvest we would have wished. There were beans to pick (I'll process them tonight), strawberries to finish up, raspberries & blueberries to begin, and other produce to anticipate getting. The chickie-doodles are getting big & I think I may need to give Teddy a haircut before the cold weather. I just don't want to have it mat up like it was last year when I got him. The dogs were very glad to see me, especially my big girl Daisy.

'tP' had taken the Harley to Spokane to get the set of wheels that will allow us to convert it to a "trike". We are looking forward to getting in more rides when we get it back home. There will be a trailer hook-up, too, so we will get a small travel trailer to use when we take longer trips.

Slow progress on projects: still working on Estelle, SFS, "toe-up top-down socks", spinning the Freckle Face fiber, the "Age of Brass & Steam" shawl from my hand spun, and now, add another pair of toe-up vanilla socks from the class I took at Sock Summit.

1 comment:

Paula said...

I so enjoyed meeting you! You were exactly how I pictured you...only taller. I'm so glad we had a bit of time to chat.

drMolly, the BeanQueen