Monday, November 03, 2014

Managing on Monday

The house is still in big turmoil due to the re-model.  It is hard to remember sometimes how nice it will look when one is trying to work around such an upheaval.

I finished the Round Robin block, but have to find a place to take a photo as my design wall is not in operation due to the re-model.  I think it looks good, and I hope the recipient likes it too.

I started on an old UFO in the quilting area.  It is a "stack 'n' whack" made from some fabric with cherries & other fruit in some blues and greens.  I've set the "stacks" onto some red fabric for a bit of contrast, but fitting with the cherries.  I have 8 "stack" blocks so have to figure some configuration that will be useful for  a bed quilt.

We got the old garden trash taken to the re-cycle place, roto-tilled the corn patch and plan to get the compost tomorrow.  The forecast is for rain, but I hope it can hold off until we get that compost hauled & spread.

All the apples are done and turned into applesauce & dried apples.  Now just have the rest of the carrots & beets to go.  I got another section of the carrots dug yesterday between other chores.  Almost a wrap on another gardening year !

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drMolly, the BeanQueen