Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The Year of Improvement

I want the improvement to be in me & my approach to happiness. I've let myself be sucked into some unhappy situations of late, due to my propensity to want to "fix" things I cannot, & should not be trying, to "fix".  Blame it on my late mum, I guess I've absorbed many of her ways.

Anywhoo, I'm determined to change this for the better this year. That is my one & only goal.  I figure if I can achieve that all of the other so-called resolutions will just fall into place.

OK, I'm off to my Tai Chi class.  I'm finally getting a chance to try this physical art form.  I hope that it is all that folks have told me it will be.

1 comment:

Scooquilt said...

Good luck to you with your changes. Coincidentally, I'm taking my first Tai Chi class on Saturday. Hope we love them.

drMolly, the BeanQueen