Wednesday, December 07, 2016

WiP Wednesday

More snow, more cold, hey winter may be here at last !
And with that maybe the bugs & disease problems will be controlled a bit more this next growing season.  One can only hope.

I'm busy with Christmas gifts & other household chores. It is good to be indoors where it is not so cold.  I've made the fruitcake and it is aging.  I tried to make peanut brittle today, but something went wrong and now the mister will have ~ 3# of peanut crunch.  The candy did not react in the normal way and when I was trying to spread it out after cooking it just crystalized and now there is a whole bunch of peanuts covered with crystal crunch.

The fudge & "roca" is next, so I hope it will turn out better than the brittle.  msH is coming this weekend to help us decorate the tree and we will make some holiday cookies too.  Cookie decorations are, of course, manditory.  One can NEVER have too much colored sugar or sprinkles on one's cookies.  RIGHT????

I finished the quilt for my DD & DS's half sister; she had a little boy on last Sunday.  My friends Madeline & Debbie say that makes me a "half-gramma".  So, of course, I HAD to make a quilt for the little one, LOL.
This is Damien's Star.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen