Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Terrible Tuesday

Having gone yesterday to my medical person, I was expecting to have some improvements in the way I was feeling - not right away, of course, but in reasonable time.  I asked about some help with my worsening depression, asked some questions about my bad hip & got a Rx for the toe nail fungus.  All-in-all a productive day I would have said.  I picked up my prescriptions and I was going to call about PT this morning and set up some appointments for the hip.

THEN this morning I awoke & tried to get up - WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN - as apparently during the night the hip "decided" that it was not going to work properly anymore.  I had so much pain and loss of function that I had to have the mister help me get up and walk.  I am now struggling to walk with my stick, but it is pure torture.  I am not sure what has happened.  I am going to PT this afternoon - mayhap that will help.  
Image result for red angry emojiI can't do anything.  I have housework, my gardens need water, I wanted to start on some repairs for clothing & furniture. 
I DID want to work on some sewing for myself.  OUT THE WINDOW now.  
This old stuff is the absolute shits!  

1 comment:

Scooquilt said...

Oh, it is awful, isn't it? Especially since you never know day to day which body parts will be working. Hope PT works wonders and you're functional again soon!

drMolly, the BeanQueen