Monday, November 11, 2019

November 9-11 Thank you Veterans!

Just ordinary days here.  
On Saturday we helped the DD with the Salvation Army toy drive; she had the stomach flu so was not in shape to do very much of anything.  
Lots of toys & such were donated - there's going to be some children on the Palouse who will have a better holiday.
Then we went shopping and had supper down in the valley - long day.
Rested on Sunday.
November 11: Not only is this our day to honor all Veterans, it is the DH & my 26th wedding anniversary.  (We chose Veteran's Day so we wouldn't forget).
So, anywhoooooo
We thank ALL veterans for their service - the DH is a veteran of the Vietnam Action - and we celebrate us!

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drMolly, the BeanQueen