Wednesday, August 26, 2020

August 26, 2020

 It is an unhappy day today.  The #2GS has decided he can't live at his mom's home anymore (he's 17) and has gone to his dad's.  Of course, it is difficult for the DD and we are not sure how he is going to handle school in these uncertain times.  He has not been the best of students and this will not help at all.  What are grandparents to do, but pray?

Am drying peaches this AM and need to go out and pick plums - there will be an enormous harvest.  I've contacted the BackYard Harvest folks to see if they can come and get some of them.

I am trying to focus on what I can do around here to make things easier for us; again uncertain times.  To be truthful, I am scared, very scared of what might happen.  Trying to hunker down and get through.

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drMolly, the BeanQueen