Thursday, November 12, 2020

Things not settled at all

 While many folks in the US are feeling relieved about our most recent election I can't get too excited about what may occur.  It is a very frightening thing to know that the people who are supposed to represent us in our Republic are catering to a narcissistic fool who believes he has the right to do what-ever-in-the-hell he feels like doing.  By not recognizing that the people of the United States have spoken their preferences they are setting up an untenable situation that could lead to the downfall of all that we hold dear.  AND all that our forbearers fought so hard to keep and make happen.  I truly am frightened of what may occur in the future.

It is still cold here.  We were able to finally get the RV put away in the shop, but with more damage to the outside lights as the driveway was so slippery it made it difficult for the mister to back it into the slot.  Now we shall have to have more repairs come spring.  

We are just "hunkering down" and hoping to survive the winter without getting the virus and without anymore bad things happening to our family!

I am working still on my many UFO projects and the entries from the "area 51" storage boxes.  I'll most likely get quite a few items done this winter.  There is one bright spot in the whole mess.  I also will be able to sort out things I've not seen in quite some time and decide whether to continue or to "dump" them.  There's always someone who would love to have a new project as a gift. 

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drMolly, the BeanQueen