Monday, November 01, 2021

November 1, 2021

It has slowed down around here as winter approaches.  I'm still working to get things buttoned up; yesterday the mister helped me with some autumn tree pruning-I've not been able to do this in the past as it snowed before all of the leaves dropped.  It will save on spring work.

Today I'm just getting homework done and a bit of quilting being done.  I have slowed down so much (from oldness) that I just don't get too much done anymore, BUT I do keep plugging away.  Too pooped to pop I guess.

I'm also working on some Holiday gifts for everyone; I already have several things that I've purchased ahead of time so it won't be such a bite from the old budget. 

Stay healthy and don't work too hard all of you (whomever may) who read this blog.  

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drMolly, the BeanQueen