Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday blues

Am back at work today - it seems as if the "pile" of stuff here just gets bigger & bigger. I did get some testing done in the lab - even without the vacuum pump that is in repair; it just makes it more time consuming to get the work done.
I got some replies to my questions about suggestions for my collecting proposal, so things are going well in that vein.
Ack! "the Postman" just called to tell me that we need a new water pump in our Prius - ~$350.00 & there may be some other things to fix, too. What a way to spend one's money - & no yarn in the bargain, either, LOL.
Am still plugging away at the top-down sweater & the toe-up socks. I've started on the second sleeve as I got to the decreases in the first and figured I'd make sure they matched as too appearance, etc. Unfortunately, I had to frog back on the socks as they were too long in the foot part - I may never get to like toe-up socks!!

1 comment:

Daniele said...

Stick with the toe-ups! You will like them. I personally like both ways, top-down and toe-up. :)

$350 you weren't planning on. Ugh. That happens to us a lot, especially with farm equipment when Paul loans it out. We are in negotiations about his loaning this year! he he

drMolly, the BeanQueen