Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Slowing down a bit, but not much

Pretty picture from my folk's house - earlier this spring, of course!

The heat has put a damper on much activity, but sometimes things must just be done.
Last night I picked the last of the peas & pulled out the vines. We were going to have new peas & potates for supper, but since "the Postman" did not get off from work until 6:00 PM - which means we don't get home until after 6:30 - we had leftover "chinese" & no peas & potatoes :~(.
I also picked berries, dug a few small carrots, picked our first green beans & got 4 cucumbers from the vines. Since the bean germination was so poor I figure there won't be enough beans at any one time to do any canning. We do like canned ones so much better, but to can one jar at a time is just ridiculous! - so it will have to be freezing for the ones that we don't eat right away. I could have gotten beets out, too , but veggie plethora is starting & I have to pars them out so as not to become overwhelmed, LOL.
I am looking forward to some cucumber sandwiches - I really like them with tomatoes, too. Strange, but true.
Tomorrow we are going to try to get some more huckleberries. "the Postman" has Wed off this week & I took the day off, too. We're going to take a picnic lunch, lots of water, & spend quite a bit of time up there so as to get as much as we are able. We found a pretty good spot on Sunday, but we had his friend, "Billy-Bob" with us & didn't want to make him spend too much time picking berries :~).
We looked at the blackberries again, but they are still too green. Mayhap a few more weeks will do it - the hot weather may also cook them - I hope not, we need some more berries as we are out of blackberry puree.
Here's photo of the DD's new baby; her mare Moonbeam had a little boy - he's a cutie!

1 comment:

Daniele said...

Love the baby horsie!

It's Weds, so you are off having fun I hope!

I too love to can green beans. One year I had so many that I finally pulled the plants out when I couldn't take it anymore. I felt bad, but it was crazy!

And - who doesn't like a good cucumber sandwich??? :)

drMolly, the BeanQueen